The Association of Catholic Real Estate Agents

Gary McManus President The Association of Catholic Real Estate Agents (ACREA)

Gary McManus


The Association of Catholic Real Estate Agents (ACREA)


It is with great pleasure that I introduce you to the ACREA. I founded this association to promote and uphold the tradition of the Catholic home blessing and to assist Catholic families as they relocate. Given all of the pressures on modern families, it seems wholly appropriate to ask God’s blessings on our dwellings, our families, and to dedicate both to God’s service. Additionally, helping families connect with their new parishes provides a support network and smooths the transition during the relocation process.

The idea is simple enough. ACREA real estate agents will help to connect home buyers to their new parish and make arrangements for the home blessing at the appropriate time. Upon the blessing of the new home, the ACREA will present the owner of the newly blessed home with a wall crucifix blessed by the Pope.

Our services will help to make a new house a home, bring parishes and new parishioners together, and allow Catholic Real Estate agents to add special meaning to their work life.

Buying a new home is a pivotal moment in a family’s life. The ACREA helps families start this new beginning on the right foot.

God Bless You,

Gary McManus